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It’s quickly becoming a cliche statement, but it truly is an unprecedented time in our lives. Rightfully so, we are being told to stay in our homes with limited access to the outside world. For some, nothing could be worse. Alone time may breed feelings of anxiety and/or loneliness. Others may feel like they were created for this (what’s up my fellow introverts). Wherever you fall on the spectrum, anxiety and loneliness have inevitably started to knock at your door. Maybe you’re even feeling a loss of self. Maybe you discovered recently that your job defines you. In pre COVID-19 world, I would define myself as Laura Baeumel, PT, DPT, ATC, NEURO TOUR’S Director of Education and resident PT at Moulin Rouge! The Musical and within a span of a couple of weeks I am just Laura trying to “stay safe” in the new normal.
Currently one of my biggest sources of anxiety is feeling like I’m not doing enough. Social media is bombarding me with activities I feel like I should be doing. The question I keep asking myself is: What should I be doing with my time? My best answer is stay safe. Yes, limit your chances of contracting COVID-19 by following ALL the guidelines: social distancing, sheltering at home, and WASHING YOUR HANDS. But, also stay mentally and physically safe by finding the things that bring you happiness. FaceTime with a loved one, send memes to friends, exercise, binge watch your favorite TV show, and eat a balanced diet. However, PLEASE don’t compare yourself to everyone else on social media (as Theordore Roosevelt said “Comparison is the thief of joy”). Thankfully, we are all vastly different and what I need to “stay safe” (mentally and physically) might not be the same as what you need. You might not need to listen to Bette Midler’s The Rose 10 plus times on repeat while going for a run. I do. :).
All that being said, as a physical therapist I would be remiss if I did not emphasize the positive effects of exercise on mental and physical safety. As Elle Woods said “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy”. Help boost your mental and physical safety by intentionally moving. I am not overly biased how you choose to move or exercise, just do something to boost those endorphins. If you have any questions about specific movements, exercise, self-treatments, or corrective-exercises, please reach out to us at NEURO TOUR. We are here for you and we are happy to work with you to develop an individualized plan to help you “stay safe” during this unprecedented time.
Laura’s extensive background in competitive cheerleading and dance gives her a perspective on treating patients within the performing arts. Her passion and warm personality are encouraging to all of her patients. When Laura isn’t educating new physical therapists in Atlanta, she can be found on tour. Previous tours include, “Bring It On,” “West Side Story,” “Bette Midler Divine Intervention Tour,” and Shaping Sound’s “Dance Reimagined.”